BDO10k database is a representation of topographic objects containing a entire set of data for every district, which corresponds in detail to a topographic map at a scale of 1:10 000. The database gathers information on topographic objects, including: the location of objects in space, their metadata and characteristics. The database is created using various types of data contained primarily in state registers, such as: digital orthophotomap, EGiB, BDOT500, GESUT, PRG, PRNG, resolutions and other public registers.
OpenAccess roads to agricultural lands - financing
Map composition presents access roads to agricultural lands built or modernized with the participation of the budget of the province.
OpenThe composition shows the existing waste management infrastructure in the Lesser Poland Voivodship.
OpenObszary wypasowe 2025 - konkurs
Obszary wypasowe 2025 - konkurs
OpenCommune - monuments
OpenSmall retention on agricultural land - funding
The map composition presents water bodies serving small retention in agricultural lands built or renovated with the participation of budget funds from the voivodeship.
OpenThe map application is a visualization of data from the General Geographic Objects Database (up to a scale of 1:100 000) and the Topographic Objects Database (from a scale of 1:50 000).
OpenThe composition presents an orthophotomap available at the Provincial Center for Geodetic and Cartographic Documentation.
OpenVineyards selected as part of the cooperation of professional oenologists and the Gorce Tourist Organization are marked on the map.
OpenThe composition depicts ski resorts in Małopolska with ski lifts, cross-country ski trails and skitouring routes in the Tatra Mountains.
OpenCity of Cracow - development plans
The composition presents local spatial development plans for Kraków.
OpenCity of Cracow - ownership structure of land
Composition depicts the structure of land ownership in the city of Krakow with the appropriate map background.
OpenThe composition presents maps of noise emission and immission, maps of exceedances and sensitivity in Krakow.
OpenThe composition contains data from the Poviat Geodetic and Cartographic Resource in Kraków
OpenThe composition presents forms of nature protection in the Małopolskie Voivodeship originating from the General Directorate for Environmental Protection.
OpenUrban Waste Water Agglomerations
The composition presents areas and boundaries of urban waste water agglomerations, which are areas where due to the density of population or concentration of economic activities, sewage should be collected and transferred to a sewage treatment plant.
OpenHunting districts adopted by Resolution No. XXXVI/479/21 SWM on March 10, 2021 regarding the division of the Lesser Poland Voivodeship into hunting districts. According to the Hunting Law, they will be in force from April 1, 2022.
OpenThe composite presents a soil-agricultural map at a scale of 1:50,000. The soil-agricultural map shows the spatial variability of the soil habitat and includes information on the more important physical properties and agricultural suitability of the soil. Development of the map - materials The map was developed based on materials from: 1) Soil classification documentation 1957- 1983 2) Soil and agricultural survey 1966 - 1985 3) Cadastral map 1957 – 1983 Forms of release: in vector form, in raster form, in plotter print.
OpenThe composition includes land and building properties owned by the Małopolska province.
OpenHydrogeological Diversity of the Lesser Poland Voivodeship
The composition presents the sources, wells and distributions of mineral waters located in the Lesser Poland voivodeship, as well as health resorts, thermal pools, mining areas, deposits, and hydrogeological wells of therapeutic, thermal and saline waters.