Over PLN 28 million from the Małopolska budget will be allocated this year to 157 municipalities for the modernisation and construction of access roads to agricultural land, as well as for the construction and renovation of water reservoirs for small retention (approximately PLN 625 thousand).
Roads and reservoirs that will receive funding in 2016 – 2022 can be seen on the maps:
Access roads to agricultural land – funding
Reservoirs in agricultural areas – funding
Detailed information:
- https://www.malopolska.pl/aktualnosci/rolnictwo/na-dojazd-do-gruntow-rolnych
- https://bip.malopolska.pl/umwm,a,1610446,zasady-korzystania-ze-srodkow-budzetu-wojewodztwa-zwiazanych-z-wylaczeniem-z-produkcji-gruntow-rolny.html