The composite presents a soil-agricultural map at a scale of 1:50,000. The soil-agricultural map shows the spatial variability of the soil habitat and includes information on the more important physical properties and agricultural suitability of the soil. Development of the map - materials The map was developed based on materials from: 1) Soil classification documentation 1957- 1983 2) Soil and agricultural survey 1966 - 1985 3) Cadastral map 1957 – 1983 Forms of release: in vector form, in raster form, in plotter print.
OpenBDO10k database is a representation of topographic objects containing a entire set of data for every district, which corresponds in detail to a topographic map at a scale of 1:10 000. The database gathers information on topographic objects, including: the location of objects in space, their metadata and characteristics. The database is created using various types of data contained primarily in state registers, such as: digital orthophotomap, EGiB, BDOT500, GESUT, PRG, PRNG, resolutions and other public registers.
OpenThere are 817 digital topographic map sheets at a scale of 1: 10 000 available in the Voivoideship Geodetic and Cartographic Resource, of which 37 topographic map sheets were developed in 2022. The Standard Cartographic Study at a scale of 1:10 000, this is a topographic map at a scale of 1:10 000, presents the elements of the geographical environment contained in the BDOT10k database, supplemented with relief and official geographical names. It can be made available both in digital (raster or vector) and analogue (paper printout) versions.
OpenPursuant to Article 1 point 28 of the Geodetic and Cartographic Law, as of 31 July 2020, no fee will be charged for making the Topographic Database available. It is a vector database containing a full set of data for counties, in which objects have been divided into 10 classes: water network, communication network, land use complexes, land development network, land cover, buildings, structures and devices, protected areas, territorial division units, other objects, relief.
OpenList of maps in the documentation centre
List of maps in the documentation centre with presentation of standard and non-standard cartographic designs - topographic maps in scales 1:10 000, 1:25 000, 1:50 000, 1:100 000. Forms of release: in raster form, as plotter print.
OpenThe composition presents a hydrographic map in a scale of 1:50 000. A hydrographic map is a thematic study showing the status and conditions of the water cycle in relation to the natural environment. The contents of a hydrographic map include, but are not limited to: topographic watersheds, surface water and groundwater, land permeability, water management phenomena and objects, hydrometric points of stationary measurements. Forms of accessibility: in raster form, as plotter printout.
OpenThe composition presents a sozological map in a scale of 1:50 000. A sozological map is a thematic study presenting the state of the natural environment and the causes, as well as the effects of negative and positive transformations taking place in the environment under the influence of various kinds of processes, including, above all, human activity, and ways of protecting the natural values of the natural environment. The contents of the sozological map include, inter alia: forms of natural environment, degradation of components of natural environment, including: degradation of components of natural environment, degradation of land surface, degradation of soils, degradation of forests, degradation of surface water, degradation of groundwater, degradation of atmospheric air, investments particularly harmful to natural environment, counteracting degradation of natural environment, reclamation of natural environment. Forms of accessibility: in raster form, in the form of plotter printout.