
The composition presents a sozological map in a scale of 1:50 000. A sozological map is a thematic study presenting the state of the natural environment and the causes, as well as the effects of negative and positive transformations taking place in the environment under the influence of various kinds of processes, including, above all, human activity, and ways of protecting the natural values of the natural environment. The contents of the sozological map include, inter alia: forms of natural environment, degradation of components of natural environment, including: degradation of components of natural environment, degradation of land surface, degradation of soils, degradation of forests, degradation of surface water, degradation of groundwater, degradation of atmospheric air, investments particularly harmful to natural environment, counteracting degradation of natural environment, reclamation of natural environment. Forms of accessibility: in raster form, in the form of plotter printout.

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obrazek zasobu: Sozology